What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

When a city bids to host the Olympic Games and wins, then the real work begins. Yes, it is a huge honor to host the Olympic games but also a huge investment on the part of the host city. Denver, Colorado declined to host the 1976 Winter Olympic Games because the voters did not want to approve the million bond to pay for updates, improvements, and promotions for the Winter Olympic Games.

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City

Many cities do not want to take on the expense of preparing for the Olympics. Although the revenue to the city from the games as well as the publicity afterwards more than pays for the initial cost of preparing for the Olympics. A lot of people don't know this, but a large portion of the money earned by the host city comes from the television rights to air the Olympic events from their city. This alone can alleviate and erase a lot of the initial investment in preparing for the games.

Cities that want to host the Olympics, summer or winter, first have to place a bid. Then a committee reviews each bid and narrows down the options to three or four cities. Then a full evaluation is done on each city left in the running to choose the best possible location city.

Some cities will submit a bid each and every time they are open just for the honor of being known as an Olympic host city. If they are rejected, usually because they don't have the facilities to successfully host the games, they continue working diligently upgrading their city so that they will be accepted the next time the bid becomes open. The Olympic Games takes place in various locations around the world which is in keeping with the universal and original concept of the Olympics. Taking place in a different country every time does not give ownership to just one country but collectively belongs to all countries. Kind of like the, "one for all and all for one" theory. It is quite an honor and a once in a lifetime experience to live in an Olympic host city during the Olympics. It is something you will remember your whole life and gives you a chance to actually see live an Olympic event rather than watch it on tv. You can bask in the glory of actually truly being at the Olympics.

The 2010 Winter Olympic Games' host city is Vancouver, Canada. This will make the third time that Canada has had the honor of hosting the Olympics and the second for the Winter Olympic Games. Estimates of the cost to Canada to host this event is approximately .4 billion dollars. 0 million of this budget will be spent on security alone.

The location for the 2014 Winter Olympic Games is Sochi, Russia. Twenty years ago Russia was considered too isolated and the form of government not accommodating enough to even be considered for an Olympic location. This is quite a feat unto itself. But Russia is now very busy preparing for their Olympic games. Millions will be spent in new construction, including laying more than 2000 miles of fiber optics for communication purposes, building 4 hydropower stations to ensure adequate electrical power for the event, expansion of airports and train stations and upgrading their roads.

When the 2010 Winter Olympics is over in Canada and everyone involved is able to get some much needed rest, it is the dawning of a new day in Russia and just the beginning of lots of work and sleepless nights. But the honor is always worth the effort.

What it Takes to Be an Olympic Games Host City
